
A selection of reports from my career

Evaluation of the cost-benefit analysis of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) initiative - a report that was endorsed by the then Cabinet Secretary

The effect of measurement on social investment decisions (at the London School of Economics, for the European Investment Bank institute)

Framework of Outcomes for Young People (at the Young Foundation, for the Department for Education)

Economic evaluation of a personality disorder clinical network for a paper published in the journal Personality and Mental Health


Evaluation of the costs and benefits of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court programme

In this paper, written with Stephen Whitehead and published by the Centre for Justice Innovation, Neil set out the costs and benefits of an innovative, problem-solving perspective towards parents with drug and alcohol abuse problems. The report was endorsed by the Cabinet Secretary, and was part of the evidence base that led to an expansion of the programme.


The influence of measurement on social investment

In this paper, published in the Journal of Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives, Neil showcases the way that measurement can skew social investment decisions towards what is more easily measurable, rather than what is more beneficial for society. The paper is based on research conducted by Neil at the London School of Economics for a project commissioned by the European Investment Bank.


Framework of outcomes for young people

In this influential report (commissioned by the Department for Education and published by the Young Foundation in 2012), Bethia McNeil, Neil Reeder and Julia Rich examine how to structure analyses of improvements in soft skills among young people.

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Economic evaluation of a personality disorder clinical network

In this article for the journal Personality and Mental Health, for which Neil was the lead analyst, Neil collated the aspects of costs that a set of patients incurred in their innovative, holistic treatment, and compared this against an assessment of the costs for a control group with similar characteristics